Previously on the ACI VS code integration

See the previous article. As in the end, I wish there could be a explorer view of all the container instances so that we can have some follow up actions for them, such as checking the container status, getting logs or deleting container groups.

Now, there we go...


First, let me create a container instance using the function previously implemented.As you can see, I added a Deployments section to the explorer view and when expanded, there is the AzureContainInstance node (so far that's the only deployment type). Since we just created a container instance. Let's use deployments view to find it.The first level is container groups and under each container group, there are the containers belong to that container group. Here we only have one container in the group. And you can see the status of it.

Now you can right click on the container to get the container logs.After you're done with the container instance, you can right click on the container group and delete it.

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